Roles of TSC county and sub-county director

Education functions in Kenya are not devolved and hence they are managed by the national government under the Ministry of Education and for teachers the TSC. However, the TSC is allowed to have its officers devolved into counties and sub-counties for easy management of teachers.

To manage all the teachers in public primary, secondary, and teacher training schools the TSC has offices in all the counties and sub-counties in the country.

The role assigned to county directors is the overall management of teacher and TSC matters at the county or subcounty level. Their roles include recruitment, transfer, TPAD, discipline, promotions, and enforcing TSC guidelines among other responsibilities assigned from headquarters.

In this article, we cover the roles and functions of both county and sub-county directors as stipulated in the TSC Code of Regulations for Teachers, 2015.

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Roles of headteacher and deputy headteacher in school

Teacher in classroom setting roles of headteacher

The Teacher Service Commission is among the independent commissions established by the Kenyan constitution to manage teachers in schools. It is mandated to recruit, deploy, promote, discipline, and deal with all issues of human resources relating to teachers in Kenyan schools.

To operationalize the commission the government came up with the Teachers Service Commission Code of Regulations for Teachers, 2015 which gives guidelines on all matter teachers in school. 

The main role of the headteacher is to manage the resources both human and physical to ensure a conducive environment for learning. While the deputy is supposed to deputise the roles as assigned. The classroom teacher is to use the available resources to deliver the lesson to learners in the best way possible.

In this article, we look at the roles and responsibilities assigned to the headteacher, deputy headteacher, and teachers in primary, secondary, teacher training colleges, and other learning institutions under the TSC guidelines.

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Requirements for registering a school in Kenya

start a school

Every Kenyan parent wants what is best for their child by taking them to the best private or public school. However, most public schools need more resources and infrastructure to meet all the needs to equip the children with the latest educational requirements. Again the schools have a very high student-teacher ratio which reduces the quality of education offered. 

To bridge this gap individuals and other organizations have established private schools that try to eliminate the gap.

To start a private school in Kenya you should meet the basic requirements such as a safe and secure location, sanitation facilities, qualified teachers, governance structure, following the KICD curriculum, and maintaining necessary teaching and learning material among others.

In this article, we look at what it takes to start a private or public school in Kenya

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Kabete National Poly courses, and requirements

Kabete National Polytechnic (Kabete NP) is a public TVET institution established by legal notice No. 92 of 2016 per the TVET Act guidelines. It is registered and regulated by TVETA. It is one of the leading national polytechnics in the country with a student population of over 10,000. Kabete National is located in Nairobi county along Waiyaki Way next to Kabete police station.

As a national polytechnic, it is allowed by law to train and award certificates for artisan, craft, diploma, and higher diploma-level courses. It can also collaborate with universities and other educational institutions to offer its courses and examinations.

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KISE functions, courses, and their requirements

KISE logo

The Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE) is a SAGA under the Ministry of Education Kenya that is mandated to ensure every child with special needs access to quality education like any other child. It was established under the Legal Notice No. 17 of 1986.

KISE offers courses related to special needs at the diploma level, craft certificate, and short course

The other core responsibilities of KISE are to conduct training on special education, sensitize the public on special needs requirements, prepare materials, and conduct research on matters related to special needs people.

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Functions and Courses Offered at KEMI

KEMI logo

The Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) is a semi-autonomous government agency under the Ministry of Education mandated to train management skills. 

KEMI is the successor of the Kenya Education Staff Institute (KESI). It was established under Legal Notice No. 19 of 2010 as KESI then the name was changed by Legal Notice No. 163 of 2011 to KEMI.

The main functions of the KEMI institution are to train managers in the education sector, carry out research, and provide consultancy services on matters of school leadership. 

The institute mostly trains teachers and managers at the basic education level. However, the institute is not limited to only those and can offer the courses and training to any other interested person.

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KUCCPS course, requirements, and its functions

KUCCPS logo functions

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is a SAGA in the Ministry of Education mandated to place all students who apply for courses in public learning institutions. 

The University Act, of 2012 established the placement body, which highlights its core mandate and functions.

The purpose of KUCCPS is to coordinate the placement of students in universities, colleges, and TVET institutions. The board also develops career guidance to be used by Kenyan students for progress.

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National goals of education and their importance in Kenya

National goals of education give guiding principles on what a country’s education system seeks to achieve when a person goes through the system. The very first national goals in Kenya were formulated after Kenya became independent. They were highlighted in the first education commission led by Ominde in 1964 (Ominde Report).

They have been changed and improved but in general, they are the same. All other commissions and education reports keep on adopting those 8 national goals of education. The new CBC curriculum framework (BECF 2017) by KICD which introduced CBC still adopted the same goals.

So the government has been implementing the same goals of education since independence. However, the level at which these educational goals have been achieved is something that needs to be studied to ascertain how far we are in achieving them.

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CBC and TVET CBET Grading System in Kenya

Have you seen in your child’s school report form comments like E.E, M.E, AE, and BE and wondered what these initials mean? It is the new CBC grading system. We better get used to them, so let’s get down and see what they mean.

The new competency-based curriculum that is being implemented in Kenya aims to reduce the emphasis on examination to what learners can do. However the system still requires a way and methods to differentiate levels of competency, hence the new grading system

Currently, the curriculum is being implemented at basic education and in the middle-level colleges.

The CBC grading includes exceeding expectations (EE), meeting expectations (ME), approaching expectations (AE), and below expectations (BE). While for grading in TVET CBET are mastery, proficiency, competent, and not yet competent. 

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Functions and Sources of Universities Fund Kenya

Universities Fund logo

The Universities Fund (UF) is a SAGA under the Ministry of Education established by the University Act of 2012 section 53. Its main mandate is to provide funds for financing universities.

The fund is managed by the board of trustee which consist of 9 members appointed by the cabinet secretary. The Universities Fund is located in Nairobi, Hazina Trade Centre, 5th Floor, Monrovia Street.

The functions of the Universities Fund are to apportion funds to universities, mobilize and receive funds, advise the government, establish the maximum Differentiated Unit Cost for the programmes and staff remuneration and establish a criterion for allocation of funds.

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