CBC pathways and subject structure in senior school

A chart showing the 3 main CBC pathways and sub pathways in each area of study

The CBC curriculum is aimed to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill, and attitude to navigate the 21st-century requirements. 

The current high school (senior school) will offer different pathways depending on its infrastructure.

In Kenya, after junior school learners progress to senior school where they specialize depending on their talents and interests.

The Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) 2019 by KICD, specifies three (3) pathways. The pathways include:

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Importance of Community Service Learning activities in CBC

symbols of human holding hands in a circle with the name community service learning name at the center

In the new CBC curriculum that is being implemented in Kenya community service learning is a requirement. Like many other people, you have been wondering what is community service learning.

How is community service integrated into the curriculum? What are the benefits and challenges of CSL? Worry no more. In this article, we dive deep into understanding about the CLS.

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Types of Assessment Tools in CBC

A name "TEST" written on a dark background on a board

In education, assessment is collecting, analysing, and interpreting data related to the student to determine learning progress. The assessment tools are the instruments and techniques that are used for evaluation and measurement to inform on the progress of knowledge acquisition. 

The competency-based education system comes with many tools that can be used to assess learners’ knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes for real-life application.

The assessment tools can be formal or informal, they can be used to measure qualitatively or quantitively.

The main assessment tools that are used include tests, checklists, rubrics, portfolios, oral questions, projects, learner profiles, and journals among others. In this article, we will expound more on these tools.

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Types of assessment and exams in the CBC curriculum

Values tested in CBC curriculum

The new CBC curriculum introduced in 2017 for Kenyan learners aims to reduce the over-emphasis on theoretical examination to competency. The examination under this new curriculum is called the Competency Based Assessment (CBA). The CBA evaluates four main values, application of knowledge, skill, values, and attitude to solve real-life situations.

The curriculum was developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) which is mandated to develop all curriculums for basic education in Kenya. However, the assessment issues are the mandate of the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)

The CBC curriculum uses formative and summative types of assessments. The KNEC exams in CBC are KEYA in Grade 3, KPSEA in Grade 6, KMYA in Grade 9, KILEA, and KCBE in Grade 12.

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CBC and TVET CBET Grading System in Kenya

Have you seen in your child’s school report form comments like E.E, M.E, AE, and BE and wondered what these initials mean? It is the new CBC grading system. We better get used to them, so let’s get down and see what they mean.

The new competency-based curriculum that is being implemented in Kenya aims to reduce the emphasis on examination to what learners can do. However the system still requires a way and methods to differentiate levels of competency, hence the new grading system

Currently, the curriculum is being implemented at basic education and in the middle-level colleges.

The CBC grading includes exceeding expectations (EE), meeting expectations (ME), approaching expectations (AE), and below expectations (BE). While for grading in TVET CBET are mastery, proficiency, competent, and not yet competent. 

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List of approved schools and their functions in Kenya

Approved schools also called rehabilitation schools are created under the Children Act 2022 section 78.

The schools are meant to rehabilitate children who conflict with the law. It rehabilitates children with delinquent behaviours such as robbery with violence, sexual offences, theft, assault, vandalism, truancy, etc.

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Challenges facing CBC curriculum and their solutions in Kenya

The Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) was started in 2017 to replace the old 8.4.4 system of education. The move was taken to equip the Kenyan child with the knowledge and skills for the 21st-century requirement. 

However, since it started it had numerous challenges which started even before the enrollment by some stakeholders rejecting it. Some of the issues that were raised at that time have come to haunt the implementation and the government needs to take measures to ensure learners are not disadvantaged.

Some of the main challenges are low teacher-learner ratio, inadequate infrastructure, teacher training issues, understaffing, and lack of parental support among others. The government should provide more resources both physical and human and ensure teachers are well-trained on CBC curriculum implementation.

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7 Core Competencies in Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC)

The Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is replacing the old 8.4.4 system of education in Kenya. The CBC intends to be more practical and student-based. This means the teacher will be more of a facilitator in learning rather than being the main participant.

To achieve the national educational goals the government through KICD developed a Basic Education  Curriculum Framework (BECF). The framework gives guidelines on how to implement the curriculum

In the BECF framework, it highlights 7 core competencies areas that should be covered which are, communication and collaboration, self-efficacy, critical thinking and problem-solving, creativity and imagination, citizenship, digital literacy, and learning to learn.

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Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) in CBC in Kenya curriculum

Have you ever wondered how relevant is what you learn in the classroom to issues currently happening in your world? Pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs) in the CBC curriculum are set to answer that question.

Pertinent means something relevant while contemporary issues mean something current or happening now. So, pertinent and contemporary issues are relevant issues that affect our day-to-day living. When implemented in education it means learners are taught relevant issues that will help them solve the current issues that are affecting them in the current world.

The 4 Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) areas in the curriculum are citizenship, health, life skills and values, and social and economic issues.

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Kapsabet High School location, contact and perfomance

Kapsabet high school logo

Kapsabet High School is a national boys’ school in Nandi County, Kapsabet. It was founded in 1925 as a Government African School (GAS) to cater to African children in the era when African schools in Africa were still segregated into different races.

It is categorized as a public national school by the Ministry of Education and it has produced some of the top leadership of the county as alumnae like the former president of the Republic of Kenya, Moi.

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