CBC pathways and subject structure in senior school

A chart showing the 3 main CBC pathways and sub pathways in each area of study

The CBC curriculum is aimed to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill, and attitude to navigate the 21st-century requirements. 

The current high school (senior school) will offer different pathways depending on its infrastructure.

In Kenya, after junior school learners progress to senior school where they specialize depending on their talents and interests.

The Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) 2019 by KICD, specifies three (3) pathways. The pathways include:

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TVET trainer qualification, registration, and jobs requirements

image showing a TVET trainer standing in front of class on a green back ground

The TVET sector in Kenya is growing readily and the government focuses on supporting the vision 2030. The industry aims to bridge the skills gap needed to make Kenya an industrialized country by offering a skilled workforce.

To achieve this the sector requires trainers and tutors who will equip learners with the skills needed in the industry. They will impact the skills in middle-level management in the areas of artisan, craft, diploma, and higher diploma.

The trainers will be based in the National Polytechnic, Technical Training institutions, and Vocational Training Centers managed by the county government among other institutes that offer TVET courses.

In this article, we cover what is required to be a TVET trainer, how to register, duties, salary scale, and jobs available.

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Eldoret Polytechnic courses, qualifications and fees

Image showing main gate of Eldoret National polytechnic with a logo

The Eldoret National Polytechnic (TENP) is a public TVET institution established by legal Notice No 114 of 2014 also known as the Eldoret National Polytechnic Order, 2014 as per the TVET Act guidelines. It is registered and regulated by TVETA.

Eldoret National is one of the leading national polytechnics in the country, with a student population of over 15,000. It is located approximately 5 KM from Eldoret town along the Eldoret-Kapsabet road, Uasin Gichu County.

As a national polytechnic, it is legally allowed to train and award certificates for artisan, craft, diploma, and higher diploma-level courses. It can also collaborate with universities and other educational institutions to offer their courses and examinations.

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KSTVET course requirements and fees

Front image of KSTVET showing the stairs and the school of TVET

The Kenya School of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (KSTVET) is established and given its mandate by KSTVET Legal notice no.123 of 2022 to coordinate and train trainers in the TVET education sector.

It is the former Kenya Technical Trainers College (KTTC) which offered trainer training courses and other diplomas, craft and artisan that are not education-related.

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Computer Science TVET CDACC Past Papers

Computer Science course equips the trainee with skills to be a computer scientist. It includes computer repair, programming, networking, and mathematics among other areas of study. You can click download and view the past papers. Use the search button. The papers are for all CDACC Computer Science Levels 6, 5, and 4.

Importance of Community Service Learning activities in CBC

symbols of human holding hands in a circle with the name community service learning name at the center

In the new CBC curriculum that is being implemented in Kenya community service learning is a requirement. Like many other people, you have been wondering what is community service learning.

How is community service integrated into the curriculum? What are the benefits and challenges of CSL? Worry no more. In this article, we dive deep into understanding about the CLS.

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Overview of Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) Sector in Kenya

An infographic showing data for trainer, trainee and TVET institutions in Kenya

The term TVET has become common in Kenya in recent years. Have you ever wondered what this TVET is? and where it has been all along and why you hear it now almost everywhere. Relax and continue reading since we will answer your questions in this article.

What is TVET?

Let start by answering what is the meaning of TVET. In full TVET represents Technical Vocational Education Training.

The Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) sector aims to impart practical skills to learners so that they can compete in the skilled job market. The TVET education sector is managed by the Ministry of Education under the State Department for Technical Vocational Education and Training.

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Courses and fees offered at Kiambu National Polytechnic (KINAP)

An image if Kiambu National Polytechnic administration block which logo in front of it.

Kiambu National Polytechnic (KINAP) former KIST is a public TVET institution established by legal Notice No 5 of 2024 also known as the Kiambu National Polytechnic Order, 2024 as per the TVET Act guidelines. It is registered and regulated by TVETA.

Kiambu National is one of the leading national polytechnics in the country, with a student population of over 9,000. It is located approximately 1 KM from Kiambu Town, Kiambu County.

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Types of Assessment Tools in CBC

A name "TEST" written on a dark background on a board

In education, assessment is collecting, analysing, and interpreting data related to the student to determine learning progress. The assessment tools are the instruments and techniques that are used for evaluation and measurement to inform on the progress of knowledge acquisition. 

The competency-based education system comes with many tools that can be used to assess learners’ knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes for real-life application.

The assessment tools can be formal or informal, they can be used to measure qualitatively or quantitively.

The main assessment tools that are used include tests, checklists, rubrics, portfolios, oral questions, projects, learner profiles, and journals among others. In this article, we will expound more on these tools.

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