Types of Assessment Tools in CBC

A name "TEST" written on a dark background on a board

In education, assessment is collecting, analysing, and interpreting data related to the student to determine learning progress. The assessment tools are the instruments and techniques that are used for evaluation and measurement to inform on the progress of knowledge acquisition. 

The competency-based education system comes with many tools that can be used to assess learners’ knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes for real-life application.

The assessment tools can be formal or informal, they can be used to measure qualitatively or quantitively.

The main assessment tools that are used include tests, checklists, rubrics, portfolios, oral questions, projects, learner profiles, and journals among others. In this article, we will expound more on these tools.

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Types of assessment and exams in the CBC curriculum

Values tested in CBC curriculum

The new CBC curriculum introduced in 2017 for Kenyan learners aims to reduce the over-emphasis on theoretical examination to competency. The examination under this new curriculum is called the Competency Based Assessment (CBA). The CBA evaluates four main values, application of knowledge, skill, values, and attitude to solve real-life situations.

The curriculum was developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) which is mandated to develop all curriculums for basic education in Kenya. However, the assessment issues are the mandate of the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)

The CBC curriculum uses formative and summative types of assessments. The KNEC exams in CBC are KEYA in Grade 3, KPSEA in Grade 6, KMYA in Grade 9, KILEA, and KCBE in Grade 12.

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History of the education system in Kenya

Like any other country, the history of learning and education in Kenya is as old as human. Even before the formal education system was introduced people used to learn. The young generation used to learn from elders by word of mouth and apprenticeship in different art and skills. 

Post-independent Kenya has navigated and adopted 3 different curriculum models to meet its needs and requirements and the world change. After independence, Kenya adopted the 7-4-2-3 which was later changed to 8-4-4 in 1985 from the recommendation of the Mackay report of 1982. 

To meet the world’s emerging trends, the country adopted the CBC curriculum in 2017, which focuses more on the learner’s ability and competence. The CBC uses the structure of 2-6-3-3-3. 2 years are pre-primary, 6 years for primary, 3 for junior secondary, 3 for senior secondary, and a minimum of 3 years for university.

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Courses, fees, the portal at Sigalagala National Polytechnic

Sigalagala National Polytechnic Main campus Gate

Sigalagala National Polytechnic (SNP) is a public TVET institution established by legal notice No. 90 of 2016 also known as the Sigalagala National Polytechnic Order, 2016 as per the TVET Act guidelines. It is registered and regulated by TVETA. The Polytechnic has three campuses; the Main campus, the Kakamega Town campus, and the Maturu campus

It is one of the leading national polytechnics in the country with a student population of over 6,000. Sigalagala National is located in Ikolomani Constituency, Kakamega County.

As a national polytechnic, it is allowed by the TVET Act of 2013 to train and award certificates for artisan, craft, diploma, and higher diploma-level courses. It can also collaborate with other TVET institutions within the locality to offer their courses and issue the certificate.

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Kenya Coast National Polytechnic courses, fees, and student portal

Kenya Coast National Polytechnic Gate

Kenya Coast National Polytechnic (KCNP) is a public TVET institution established by legal notice No. 88 of 2016 also known as the Kenya Coast National Polytechnic Order, as per the TVET Act guidelines. It is registered and regulated by TVETA.

It is one of the leading national polytechnics in the country with a student population of over 7,500. Kenya Coast National is located in Mombasa city and county.

As a national polytechnic, it is allowed by law to train and award certificates for artisan, craft, diploma, and higher diploma-level courses. It can also collaborate with surrounding TTI and TVCs to offer its courses and examinations.

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KMTC courses and qualifications requirements

KMTC logo courses

Are you looking forward to pursuing a course in the medical field and related areas? KMTC is a reputable government institution that is mandated to train medical courses from craft certificates, diplomas, and higher diplomas. Other institutions both universities and private colleges can also train these courses. 

As you select a college and the course please ensure the institute is registered by the respective medical regulation body as a training center.

In Kenya medical courses are very competitive course and many students want to pursue them. They are also relatively expensive compared to other diploma and certificate courses.

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Defensive driving course lesson requirements and schools

Spiral road representing defensive driving

Have you ever wondered what a defensive driving course entails? Well, in this article we go into detail on what it entails, benefits, requirements, who can do the course, and where.

Defensive driving is a mode of driving where the driver anticipates dangerous situations on the road to reduce the chances of accidents occurring. The defensive driving course trainer the driver on how to reduce the chance of being involved in an accident and if they occur the casualties are less.

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Importance of extra co-curricular activities in students life

Students in extracurricular activities

Human beings are multifaceted beings who need growth in all aspects of life. For most people, their early life is spent in school which mostly majors on academics and not other aspects of life.

However, to have an all-rounded individual student is required to also participate in extracurricular activities. In this post, we look at the benefits that a student can achieve by getting involved in life outside the classroom.

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Meru National Polytechnic courses, fees and portal reqiurements

Meru national Polytechnic gate

Meru National Polytechnic (Meru NP) is a public TVET institution established by legal notice No 94 of 2016 also known as the Meru National Polytechnic Order, 2016 as per the TVET Act guidelines. It is registered and regulated by TVETA.

It is one of the leading national polytechnics in the country with a student population of over 12,000. It is located in Meru county next to Meru national showground. 

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List of TVET diploma courses offered in Kenya and their requirements.

A diploma course is a skill-based level of training that equips students with skills for middle-level managers. The TVET diploma courses offered in Kenya are in different fields such as engineering, technical, business computing and informatics, fashion, hospitality, and health science among others.

Diploma course minimum requirements

The basic minimum requirement to pursue any diploma course in Kenya is a KCSE mean grade of C- or a pass in the relevant craft certificate course. However, some courses may require a C plain and specific pass in some subjects depending on the field.

Diploma courses are offered in universities, national polytechnics, TTIs, and TVCs both public and private. The examinations and certification for diplomas are done by different bodies such as KNEC, TVETCDACC, KASNEB, Professional bodies, universities, etc.

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