A diploma course is a skill-based level of training that equips students with skills for middle-level managers. The TVET diploma courses offered in Kenya are in different fields such as engineering, technical, business computing and informatics, fashion, hospitality, and health science among others.
Diploma course minimum requirements
The basic minimum requirement to pursue any diploma course in Kenya is a KCSE mean grade of C- or a pass in the relevant craft certificate course. However, some courses may require a C plain and specific pass in some subjects depending on the field.
Diploma courses are offered in universities, national polytechnics, TTIs, and TVCs both public and private. The examinations and certification for diplomas are done by different bodies such as KNEC, TVETCDACC, KASNEB, Professional bodies, universities, etc.
Table of Contents
Checklist to consider before enrolling for a diploma course
Before you register for any course there are a few questions that you should answer to ensure that the course is valid and recognised.
- The institute or college you plan to enroll in should be registered by the regulating body. For universities, it is CUE while for TVET institutions TVETA.
- For professional courses like clinical medicine and nursing ensure the institute is accredited to offer the course by the professional body.
- Ensure the college is accredited as an assessment center for the examination in your course.
- Ensure you meet the subject cluster requirement for your course if any.
- After the course can you be able to advance to a higher level of learning using the certificate acquired?
- Ensure the certification body issuing the certificate is recognized in your field.
List of diploma courses offered in Kenya
Aeronautical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option)
Mechanical Engineering (Plant Option)
Mechanical Engineering (Production Option)
Telecommunication Engineering
Water Engineering
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Control & Instrumentation)
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Electronics Option)
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Power Option)
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Telecommunication Option)
Electrical (Instrumentation)
Electrical And Electronic (Control)
Electrical And Electronics
Electrical And Electronic Technology (Power Option)
Electrical & Electronics Technology
Highways Engineering
Marine Engineering
Medical Engineering
Power And Process Engineering
Technology Medical Engineering
Technology In (Electronics & Automation Engineering)
Land Surveying
Quantity Surveying
Map Reproduction (Printing)
Water Technology (Water Supply Option)
Motor Vehicle Mechanics
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Road Construction
Building & Construction
Construction Plant
Graphic Design
Electrical/ Electronics Technology (Telecommunication)
Refraction Technology
Information Communication Technology
Computer Science
Information Technology
Business Information Technology
Computer Studies
Accounting & Finance
Agribusiness Management
Air Cargo Management
Airport Operations
Banking & Finance
Business Administration
Business Administration/Management
Business Management
Transport Management
Road Transport Management
Wildlife Management
Library Information Studies
Co-Operative Management
Cooperative Development
Credit Management
Secretarial Studies
Secretarial Studies And Office Management
Supliles Chain Management
Supplies And Chain Management
Entrepreneurial Agriculture
Computerized Secretarial Studies
Entrepreneurship Development
Entrepreneurship Education
Front Office Operations And Customer Care
Housekeeping Management
Human Resource
Human Resource Management
Logistics And Transport Management
Personnel Management
Procurement And Materials Management
Project Management
Public Relations
Purchasing And Supplies Management
Sale And Marketing
Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage Management
Food & Beverage Production, Sales & Service Management
Hotel And Institutional Management
Catering & Accommodation Management
Catering And Hotel Management
Tour Guiding
Tourism And Hospitality Management
Tourism Management
Fashion Design & Clothing
Fashion Design & Garment Making
Fashion Design And Garment Making
Clothing & Textile
Fashion Design & Clothing Technology
Fashion Design & Garment Making Technology
Environmental Health Sciences
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Laboratory Science
Pharmaceutical Technology
Registered Nursing, Mental Health And Psychiatry
Kenya Registered Nurse (KRN)
Dental Technology
Occupational Therapy
Medical Bio-Technology
Opthalmic Technology
Optical Technology
Orthopaedic Technology
Medical Imaging Science
Nutrition & Dietetic Management
Nutrition And Diet Management
Community Health & Hiv Management
Community Health And Nutrition
Community Nutrition
Community Oral Health
Food Science And Technology
Food Technology & Quality Assurance
Water Resources
Analytical Chemistry
Applied Chemistry
Applied Biology
Environmental Management
General Agriculture
Medical Bio-Technology
Industrial Microbiology
Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology
Petroleum And Geoscience
Petroleum Management
Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences
Nautical Sciences
Teacher Education (Physics/Chemistry)
Teacher Education (Biology/Chemistry)
Teacher Education (Biology/Physics)
Teacher Education (Biology/Mathematics)
Teacher Education (Mathematics/Chemistry)
Teacher Education (Mathematics/Physics)
Teacher Education (Mathematics/Computer)
Teacher Education (Computer/Physics)
Teacher Education (Kiswahili / Geography)
Teacher Education (Kiswahili / History)
Teacher Education (Music/English Or Kiswahili)
Teacher Education (Music/Kiswahili)
Teacher Education (English/Music)
Teacher Education (English / Cre)
Teacher Education (English / History)
Teacher Education (English And Geography)
Teacher Education (Mathematics / Business)
Teacher Education (Maths / Geography)
Community Development
Community Development and Counselling
Community Development and Social Work
County Governance and Ethics
Early Childhood Development
Social Work& Community Development
Sports Administration and Management
Guidance and Counselling
Clinical Counselling Psychology
Health Promotion and Education
Health Records and Information
Health Records and Information Technology
Information Science
Information Studies
Journalism & Media
Leadership and Management
Liberal Studies and Management
Library & Information Studies
Library and Information Science
Library and Information Studies
Mass Communication
Can I do a diploma with a C- minus?
Yes, the minimum requirement for a diploma course in Kenya is a KSCE grade of C-. However, some courses may require different subject clusters to qualify.
Which is the best diploma course to pursue in Kenya?
It is best to pursue a course that you are passionate about and a field you are ready to work for. However, the best courses are in Engineering, IT-related, medical and professional courses.