Requirements for registering a school in Kenya

start a school

Every Kenyan parent wants what is best for their child by taking them to the best private or public school. However, most public schools need more resources and infrastructure to meet all the needs to equip the children with the latest educational requirements. Again the schools have a very high student-teacher ratio which reduces the quality of education offered. 

To bridge this gap individuals and other organizations have established private schools that try to eliminate the gap.

To start a private school in Kenya you should meet the basic requirements such as a safe and secure location, sanitation facilities, qualified teachers, governance structure, following the KICD curriculum, and maintaining necessary teaching and learning material among others.

In this article, we look at what it takes to start a private or public school in Kenya

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KISE functions, courses, and their requirements

KISE logo

The Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE) is a SAGA under the Ministry of Education Kenya that is mandated to ensure every child with special needs access to quality education like any other child. It was established under the Legal Notice No. 17 of 1986.

KISE offers courses related to special needs at the diploma level, craft certificate, and short course

The other core responsibilities of KISE are to conduct training on special education, sensitize the public on special needs requirements, prepare materials, and conduct research on matters related to special needs people.

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Functions and Courses Offered at KEMI

KEMI logo

The Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) is a semi-autonomous government agency under the Ministry of Education mandated to train management skills. 

KEMI is the successor of the Kenya Education Staff Institute (KESI). It was established under Legal Notice No. 19 of 2010 as KESI then the name was changed by Legal Notice No. 163 of 2011 to KEMI.

The main functions of the KEMI institution are to train managers in the education sector, carry out research, and provide consultancy services on matters of school leadership. 

The institute mostly trains teachers and managers at the basic education level. However, the institute is not limited to only those and can offer the courses and training to any other interested person.

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KUCCPS course, requirements, and its functions

KUCCPS logo functions

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is a SAGA in the Ministry of Education mandated to place all students who apply for courses in public learning institutions. 

The University Act, of 2012 established the placement body, which highlights its core mandate and functions.

The purpose of KUCCPS is to coordinate the placement of students in universities, colleges, and TVET institutions. The board also develops career guidance to be used by Kenyan students for progress.

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Functions and Sources of Universities Fund Kenya

Universities Fund logo

The Universities Fund (UF) is a SAGA under the Ministry of Education established by the University Act of 2012 section 53. Its main mandate is to provide funds for financing universities.

The fund is managed by the board of trustee which consist of 9 members appointed by the cabinet secretary. The Universities Fund is located in Nairobi, Hazina Trade Centre, 5th Floor, Monrovia Street.

The functions of the Universities Fund are to apportion funds to universities, mobilize and receive funds, advise the government, establish the maximum Differentiated Unit Cost for the programmes and staff remuneration and establish a criterion for allocation of funds.

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Functions and services of Kenya National Library

National Library Services functions

The Kenya National Library Service Board (KNLS) was established by an Act of Parliament 225,1965.  The National Library is mandated to provide library and information services to the Kenyan people.

KNLS is currently under the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage, headquartered at Maktaba Kuu Building in Nairobi, Ngong Road, Upperhill.

The board’s main mandate is to promote, establish, equip, manage, and maintain national and public libraries. It also issues ISBN, maintains a Kenya Bibliography, takes legal deposits, and consultancy in matters related to library and information management.

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Guidelines and functions of the Commission for University Education (CUE)

The Commission for University Education (CUE) is established under the University Act of 2012 section 4. The CUE was created to manage and oversee university education in Kenya. The commission is headed by a chairperson appointed by the president.

The CUE commission is mandated to promote university education, monitor, regulate, accredit universities and programmes, and inspect the quality of education among other functions defined in the act.

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Functions, benefits and requirements of HELB loan

HELB loan board logo function

The Higher Education Loan Board (HELB) is a SAGA under the Ministry of Education with a mandate to disburse student loans in higher learning institutions. It was established under the Higher Education Loans Board Act, of 1995. Since then it has helped over 1.3 million students get loans to facilitate their education in universities and TVET institutions.

The main role and responsibility of the HELB board is to mobilize funds to be disbursed to students in higher learning institutions to facilitate their learning.

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Functions, roles, organogram, and registration of TSC

TSC organizational Structure

The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) is established under Article 237 of Kenya’s 2010 constitution giving it a mandate to oversee the human resources in education. The commission manages over 300,000 teachers who are currently working under it. The TSC employs teachers in public primary, and secondary schools and teacher training institutions.

TSC’s main functions are to register, recruit, employ, deploy, promote, transfer, terminate, and deal with disciplinary issues for registered teachers in Kenya.

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Legal documents in education and their importance

Education is a basic human right that should be enjoyed by all Kenyans. Under the Constitution of Kenya 2010, basic education is mandatory for all Kenyan children. To govern the education sector numerous laws are developed and enacted.

In this article, we highlight most of the common legal documents that you should be aware of if you are under the Ministry of Education Kenya. This means from basic education to universities and all other education bodies in the country.

Some of the main Acts in education are Basic Education, Early Childhood Education, TSC, KICD, KNEC, Universities, and the TVET Act among others.

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