The Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) was established under Act No. 22 of 2014 (KENYA NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK) and KNQF Regulations 2018. The Authority is mandated to coordinate and harmonize various qualification levels in different education sectors.
KNQA authority formulated a Kenya National Qualification Framework which outlines the structure of education levels in Kenya, entry requirements, and learning hours requirement per each level and career progression pathway.
The 2 main progression pathways can lead to a doctorate or professional master craft person.
The functions of the Authority shall be to
The authority consolidates all its functions to have 5 main services that are aligned with its mandate. These services are offered at a fee. Confirm the service fee requirement by KNQA on their website
All learning institutions that offer internal qualifications and certification should be registered and accredited by KNQA. The institute that should be accredited can be grouped into Universities and TVET institution that offers their qualification i.e. National Polytechnics.
All qualifications that are awarded in all qualification-awarding institutions should be registered by the authority
The registration involves:
Students can require credit transfer from one qualification to another through the authority. This also can be credit transfer from one institution to another.
This is where those who have acquired knowledge and skills in the informal sector can be qualified and be integrated into formal education. The authority ensures the RPL program is conducted as per the standard and their qualification recognized in the industry. This process is carried out in collaboration with learning and qualification awarding institutions.
The KNQA authority align and validate all foreign qualifications offered by foreign universities and learning institution. It also validates external qualifications offered by foreign professional bodies.
The framework outlines and classifies all qualification levels offered in the Kenyan curriculum into 10 levels
Primary Certificate)/Basic Skills/Skills for Life.
This is the basic level where the qualification is just a birth certificate as an entry requirement. After graduating at this level the learner is expected to have the skills to carry out basic everyday life activities.
Secondary Certificate/ National Skills Certificate III /Government Trade Test III /National Vocational Certificate I /Pre-Vocational
Entry level requirement is a Level 1 qualification of 6 years in primary school.
National Skills Certificate II (NSC-II)/Government Trade Test II (GTT- II)/National Vocational Certificate II (NVC- II)
Artisan Certificate/National Vocational Certificate III (NVC-II)/National Skills Certificate I (NSC-I)/Government Trade Test I (GTT-I)
National Craft Certificate/National Vocational Certificate IV (NVTC IV)/Master Craft Person III
National Diploma/Master Craft Person II/Professional Diploma
Bachelor’s Degree/Management Professional/Master Craft Person I
Postgraduate Diploma/Professional Bachelors Degree/ Professional Master Craft Person
Master’s Degree
Doctorate Degree
This is the highest level of qualification
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