Categories: TVET Institution

Courses and Student portal log in at Kisii National Polytechnic

Kisii National Polytechnic (Kisii NP) is a public TVET institution established by legal notice No 93 of 2016 also known as the Kisii National Polytechnic Order, 2016 as per the TVET Act guidelines. It is registered and regulated by TVETA.

It is one of the leading national polytechnics in the country with a student population of over 8,000. Kisii National is located in Kisii town, Kisii county.

As a national polytechnic, it is allowed by law to train and award certificates for artisan, craft, diploma, and higher diploma-level courses. It can also collaborate with universities and other educational institutions to offer their courses and examinations.

With the new CBET courses, the polytechnic is mandated to develop curriculums as per industry needs, train, assess, and issue certificates. 

Kisii National Polytechnic has different curriculum departments that offer a variety of courses. The departments include:

  1. Electrical Electronics Engineering
  2. Communication & Development Studies
  3. Building And Civil Engineering
  4. Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
  5. Health Sciences
  6. Applied Sciences
  7. Business Studies
  8. Computer Studies
  9. Mechanical Engineering
  10. Hospitality Management

Kisii National. Poly mission and vision


To develop highly qualified, globally competitive, and innovative human resources by providing quality Training, Applied Research & Extension, and Entrepreneurship skills that are responsive to market demands.


To be the preferred training institution, for technical and vocational skills development.

Kisii National Contact Details

Post Address: P.O Box 222-40200, KISII-KENYA.

Mobile No: 0700152177/0752031300



Where is Kisii NP located?

Kisii National Polytechnic is located in Kisii Town, Kisii County.

Kisii National Polytechnic Intakes

The institute has 3 intakes within the year to align with the Ministry of Education requirements. The intakes are in January, May, and September of every year. However, inquiries can be made anytime within working hours using the contact details or by visiting the institute.

Fee structure and sponsorship

Students are required to pay tuition fees which must be paid upon reporting to the institute. Other payable fees are student ID, and student welfare among others. Examination fees are paid separately from tuition and the amount depends on the course and current student year of study.

The government through the Ministry of Education gives capitation to subsidize tuition fees for students in public TVET institutions. Please note that using the new funding model it is not automatic to get the scholarship but students must apply. Students should also apply for HELB loans, constituency bursaries, and other sources to facilitate fee payment.

The government has come up with a new funding model for students in tertiary and university which weighs on the level of neediness for individual students.

For more details on fee payment and how to pay please contact the institute.

Courses requirement at Kisii National

The course entry requirements to join Kisii Poly are determined by the Ministry of Education but the institute can include subject clusters to filter applicants when the need arises.

For general engineering and business diploma courses (Level 6) students require a minimum of C- and above in KCSE or a craft certificate on the respective course.

To qualify Craft certificate (Level 5) a grade of D plain and D+ in KCSE is required or a pass in artisan in the area of interest. 

To undertake the Artisan course (Level 4), you must have a KCPE or KCSE mean grade of D- and E.

During admission, you will be required to submit documents such as KCPE and KCSE results, birth certificate, medical letter, filled application form, and passport-size picture among other documents for verification.

Kisii Poly offered courses.

The institute offers a variety of courses in its academic departments at the level of diploma, craft, and artisan. KNEC, NITA, or  KASNEB external examining bodies examine these courses. The Kisii National Poly also examines their CBET courses and issues their certificates. The courses offered are.

Higher Diploma Level
Applied Biology
Human Resource Management
Entrepreneurship Education
Business Administration
Library & Information Studies
Diploma course (Level 6)
Business Management
Entrepreneurship education
Human resource management
Sales and marketing management
Cooperative management
Supply chain management
Secretarial studies
Civil engineering
Building Technology
Food science technology
Environmental Science Studies
General Agriculture
Analytical chemistry
Applied biology
Project management
Information science
Social work and community development
Automotive engineering
Mechanical engineering (production)
Information Communication Technician
Information Communication Technology
Fashion and Design
Food and beverage Production and service
Environmental Health
Medical Lab Technology
Medical Engineering
Pharmaceutical Technology
Electrical and Electronic  Engineering (Telecom)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (power)
Craft Certificate courses (Level 5)
Information science
Social work and community development
Automotive engineering
Mechanical engineering (production)
Information Communication Technician
Information Communication Technology
Fashion and Design
Food and beverage Production and service management
Electrical and Electronic  Engineering (Telecom)
Electrical and Electronic  Engineering (power)
Science lab tech
Food Science
Building technology
Secretarial Studies
Supply chain management
Sales and marketing
Business management
Human resource management
Artisan course (Level 4)
Electrical installation Electrical wiring
Garment making
Food and beverage
Hair dressing and beauty therapy
Carpentry and joinery
Motor vehicle mechanics
Competency-Based Courses
Carpentry and joinery
Nutrition and dietetics
Panel beating and spray painting
House Keeping
Health testing services

Hostel and accommodation in Kisii National

Kisii Polytechnic offers hostel service within the institute on a first come basis. However, if you don’t get accommodated within the institute hostels, there are plenty of hostels within walking distance for students.

To preserve the room students can book for hostel through the institute portal after full payment of fees.

Kisii National Polytechnic student portal

Student and staff portal is used by registered student and institute staff to access online services. Some of the services that the student can access from the portal are online reporting, hostel booking, fee statements, fee structures, and internal examination results.

To use the student portal, you must visit the national polytechnic portal and register using your student admin number.  Click to open the Kisii Polytechnic student portal sign up and log in. In case of any challenges contact the institute for help.

How to log in to the Kisii National Polytechnic Student Portal to report back?

On the student portal log in using your admission number as username and enter the password, then navigate to reporting and select the term you are reporting. For first-time users, you will need to register by signing up.

What are the medical courses offered at Kisii Polytechnic?

Under the Department of Health Sciences, the institute offers pharmaceutical technology, medical lab technology, nutrition and dietetics, medical engineering, and community health.


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