The Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) is an online system that TSC uses for quality assurance and performance evaluation of teachers. As per the Teachers Service Commission Code of Regulations for Teachers, 2015 TSC is mandated to create an open appraisal system to strengthen supervision and continuously monitor the performance of teachers in curriculum implementation.
The TSC has an online TPAD system where they can log in and update the appraisal details.
The system was introduced in 2016 for both primary and post-primary teachers. The headteacher is the oversight authority in the institution concerning TPAD.
The main objective of implementing the appraisal system within the teaching profession in Kenya was to improve the quality of education offered to students. The appraisal targets a reduction in teacher absenteeism from class.
The system also aims to ensure there is continual professional development and training for teachers to acquire new and latest methods of content delivery and other emerging issues in the teaching profession.
Implementation of TPAD in public schools has many benefits for all stakeholders involved including teachers, students, parents, management, and TSC. Some of the notable benefits are.
The teacher appraisal system is based on 5 standards that were reviewed from the previous 7. The standards are criteria that are used to evaluate the teacher. Using these 5 criteria TSC can fairly evaluate teachers in all major areas that are in the teaching profession. The 5 criteria standards include,
The TSC gives the guidelines on who is supposed to appraise and confirm the results to ensure the process is fair for all involved. The guidelines separate the appraisal for a primary teacher from that of a post-primary teacher.
The TSC manages teachers in secondary schools, teacher training institutions, and other education centers. This part of the appraisal covers, teachers, trainers, tutors, and lecturers in those institutions.
These are used to measure the quality and effectiveness of a teacher during appraisal. They include professional knowledge and practice; a comprehensive learning environment; teacher professional development; teacher conduct and professionalism; participation and a professional learning community.
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