To streamline education in Kenya and content delivery in classrooms the TSC has guidelines that indicate the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders within its organization structure.
From the headteacher and classroom teacher roles and functions the TSC has developed a checklist of professional and legal documents that each should maintain.
It should be noted that these documents are used to evaluate the teacher during the appraisal process that is done on the TPAD system. In this regard, the document must be maintained, updated, and available at any time when requested by the supervisor.
Some of the professional documents for a teacher are timetables, scheme of work, the record of work, syllabi, notes, TPAD records, record of marks, and cocurricular activities among others. The headteacher documents are master timetables, staff personal files, BOM meetings, circulars, and memos among others.
Headteacher acts as the manager, quality assurance officer, and administrator within the school assigned. The TSC Code of Regulation for Teachers, 2015 assigns the headteacher roles and responsibilities. From those responsibilities, it also outlines the legal and professional documents that the head should maintain.
The TSC has developed a checklist of professional and legal documents that should be maintained by the headteacher for effective management of the school.
The head professional documents include.
For effective content delivery in class, each teacher should have updated professional documents. TSC has a checklist of all the documents that any classroom teacher should have for both public and private schools.
The expected documents include.
The TSC is established by the Kenya Constitution 2010 and uses legal documents such as the TSC Act, Code of Regulations for Teachers, Code of Conduct and Ethics for Teachers, Education Act, and Performance Appraisals (TDAP)
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