Categories: Basic Education

Importance of Community Service Learning activities in CBC

In the new CBC curriculum that is being implemented in Kenya community service learning is a requirement. Like many other people, you have been wondering what is community service learning.

How is community service integrated into the curriculum? What are the benefits and challenges of CSL? Worry no more. In this article, we dive deep into understanding about the CLS.

What is community service learning?

However, before that let’s understand what is CSL. Community service learning is an integrated learning where learners are involved in community service within their locality.

It encourages students to identify societal issues and in collaboration with the community provide the solution. 

The learning requires the collaboration of all stakeholders including, the teachers, students, community, parents, and the government.

Importance of integrating community service learning into the curriculum

Learning should be able to deal with pertinent and contemporary issues that are happening in the community. This means involving students in community activities ensures they are interacting with current issues that are affecting them.

Some of the benefits of community service include:

  1. Creativity: to solve society’s issues students will need to come up with creative ways and use the available resources. This opens up room for being creative and sharing their talent.
  2. Foster responsibility to society and self: by servicing the community they learn their role and responsibility in society. In addition to that, they also get to grow their responsibility.
  3. Collaboration and leadership skills: the activities require collaboration from different parties which is a skill students can learn. They will also require a leader to lead different groups which is a skill that can be learned and transferred later in life.
  4. Academic performance: since the community service activities are derived from the curriculum, students can link the classroom and community activities. This will enhance better understanding of academic work.
  5. Improve school and community cohesion: the community will embrace the school which will enable more collaboration and involvement on both sides.

Common community service activities

There are a variety of activities that can be integrated into learning. However, the activity and level of involvement will vary depending on the locality, cost, and community willingness to collaborate among others.

The list highlights some of the most common activities that a teacher can organize for their class to participate in.

  1. Market town clean up exercise.
  2. Visit vulnerable groups within the community.
  3. Tree planting and beautification exercise.
  4. Organizing trips to an industry related to lessons of study.
  5. Organizing awareness campaigns on pertinent issues affecting the community.
  6. Cultural preservation and protection activities within the community
  7. Older students from one school are mentoring others.
  8. Donation drive for food, and clothes for vulnerable groups.

Challenges of implementing community service learning.

The program comes with a list of challenges that should be overcome for successful implementation.

  1. Limited resources: the services that are to be offered require material and money that most of the institutions may not afford. This limits the activities that can be planned and carried out.
  2. Balancing classroom and community activities: The teacher should ensure that there is a balance between classroom work and community activity to avoid bias on one side. The classroom activities should be given more time and resources.
  3. Cooperation issues: for the activities to work, it requires cooperation from many stakeholders and some may not be willing to help or collaborate. This limits the activity and also affects the timeline since some may take longer to respond.
  4. Inclusivity for all learners: it may be a challenge for learners who are physically challenged to participate in some activities. This makes them feel like they are being left out and they are not part of the group.

Community service learning should be embraced by all involved stakeholders which will enhance student collaboration, creativity, and societal responsibility and bring out an all-rounded student. The government, schools, and community should set aside resources and time to support these activities.


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