Functions and Courses Offered at KEMI

The Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) is a semi-autonomous government agency under the Ministry of Education mandated to train management skills. 

KEMI is the successor of the Kenya Education Staff Institute (KESI). It was established under Legal Notice No. 19 of 2010 as KESI then the name was changed by Legal Notice No. 163 of 2011 to KEMI.

The main functions of the KEMI institution are to train managers in the education sector, carry out research, and provide consultancy services on matters of school leadership. 

The institute mostly trains teachers and managers at the basic education level. However, the institute is not limited to only those and can offer the courses and training to any other interested person.

Functions of KEMI

As per Legal Notice No. 19 of 2010, these are the roles and functions of The Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI).

  1. Provide, directly or in collaboration with other institutions of learning, management training, research, and consultancy services in the education sector on a commercial basis to the public and private sector and to any other persons, local or foreign, who may request such services from it.
  2. Provide training programmes, seminars, and workshops and produce publications aimed at promoting managerial competence and integrity in the education sector, while utilizing diverse learning methods including open and distance learning approaches.
  3. Produce, maintain, and disseminate documentation and information services and equipment relating to administrative management, and technical and educational reform issues.
  4. Serve as a management advisory, consultancy, and resource centre for personnel involved in educational work.
  5. Research training needs assessments, quality assurance processes, training impact assessments, policy, management, and emerging issues to design appropriate management training programs and ensure the integrity of these programs.
  6. Provide a forum for effective collaboration between the public and private sectors and other interested parties for capacity building in the education sector.
  7. Conduct examinations and award diplomas, certificates, and other awards to successful candidates.
  8. Cost-effectively undertake resource-generative services to build self-sufficiency.
  9. Generally, promote and carry on the work of a management development institute.

KEMI Courses

The institute offers a variety of programmes which are mostly short courses since the institute trains in-service teachers. The course period can range from a few days to 1 year for the diploma courses. Some of the courses are.

  1. Diploma in Education Leadership and Management Ongoing
  2. Diploma in Guidance and Counselling
  3. Institutional Leadership and Governance for Boards of Management
  4. Institutional Leadership and Governance for County Education Boards
  5. Teacher Professional Development Programme

Short course at KEMI

  1. Instructional Leadership Programme
  2. Guidance and Counselling for Schools
  3. Strategic Institutional Leadership Course
  4. Transformative Leadership
  5. Financial Management for Bursars and Accounts Clerks
  6. Career Guidance and Counseling for TVET Institutions.
  7. Public Procurement for Education Institutions
  8. Schools of Excellence
  9. Education for Sustainable Development
  10. The 21Century Teacher
  11. Data security and management
  12. Digital skills for education Managers
  13. Online safety and security
  14. ICT integration in education management
  15. ICT integration in curriculum delivery
  16. Blended and Online Learning Design
  17. Qualitative methods for monitoring and evaluating the quality of education
  18. Human Resource Management
  19. Customer care and public relations
  20. Quality Assurance and Standards
  21. Standards Assessment and Report Writing
  22. Institutional Based QA
  23. Data mining management and utilization
  24. Using education data to monitor education quality, access, and relevance
  25. Education law, policies, and reforms
  26. Training of Trainers ( TOT)

Kemi courses registration

The courses are offered both physically and on an online basis. Please confirm on the KEMI website the mode of study for your course before application.

You can register for any course from their website by clicking apply on the respective course


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