Categories: Courses

Diploma in Education requirements for PGDE, secondary and primary options

A diploma in education is a specialized professional course that is met to train and equip students with skills and knowledge to teach at all levels of learning. There are various education courses that a student can pursue. This will depend on the objective of the learner and their specialization.

The main diplomas in the education courses are in science, arts, primary option, secondary option, and Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE). The requirement for an education diploma is a minimum grade of C ( plain) in KCSE and above and a C+ (Plus) in the two subjects Specialization.

Requirements for Diploma in Education course

To pursue a general diploma course in education, you must meet the requirements of the main teacher employer, TSC. 

The TSC requirements for the course are a Minimum grade of C ( plain) in KCSE and above and a C+ (Plus) in the two subjects Specialization. At least C (Plain) in English C (plain) in Mathematics for Science-based Courses D+( plus) in Mathematics in non-science-based courses

Diploma in education (secondary option)

The course is for teachers to teach in secondary school. One can specialize in art or science education and they are required to have at least two teaching subjects. The combination of subjects also matters since when TSC is recruiting new teachers they are specific on the two teaching subjects.

The course is offered in approved colleges, universities, and teacher training institutes. The course is quality-assured by TSC since it is the main stakeholder when it comes to teacher employment.

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE)

This is a diploma for those who wish to teach at a primary school level. TSC used to accept certificates in education for this level but they have reviewed their requirement and all primary school teachers should have a diploma.

The diploma is examined by KNEC and it is offered in approved teacher training institutes across the country. It covers all content that a teacher is expected to teach in a primary school setting. With the new CBC curriculum, the diploma program has also changed to align with the new requirements of classroom teachers.

Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)

A PGDE course is a one-year diploma course that is aimed at people who have earned either a diploma or degree in a specialized area but want to enter the teaching profession. The diploma is aimed to equip these people with pedagogical skills on how to deliver content to learners at different levels of education.

The PGDE can be done at universities, KNEC exams, or from the Kenya School of TVET (KSTVET). The course includes both pedagogical, core subject units and teaching practice. The teaching practice is carried out in the field for three months where the trainee is doing the real training in a live classroom.

Diploma in Education common units

The units covered in each diploma vary depending on the specialization. However, we have common units that are done in almost all institutions and all levels of education courses. Some of the common units in education that you expect to study include.

  1. Child Development and Psychology
  2. Educational Resources
  3. ICT Integration in Education
  4. Educational Leadership and Management
  5. Sociological and Philosophical Foundations of Education
  6. Historical and Comparative Foundations of Education
  7. Micro-Teaching
  8. Philosophy of Education
  9. Education Psychology
  10. Curriculum Development & design
  11. Instructional Methods in Education
  12. Instructional Technology
  13. Introduction to education tests and measurement
  14. Economics of Education
  15. Teaching Practice

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