Categories: Basic Education

Types of assessment and exams in the CBC curriculum

The new CBC curriculum introduced in 2017 for Kenyan learners aims to reduce the over-emphasis on theoretical examination to competency. The examination under this new curriculum is called the Competency Based Assessment (CBA). The CBA evaluates four main values, application of knowledge, skill, values, and attitude to solve real-life situations.

The curriculum was developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) which is mandated to develop all curriculums for basic education in Kenya. However, the assessment issues are the mandate of the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)

The CBC curriculum uses formative and summative types of assessments. The KNEC exams in CBC are KEYA in Grade 3, KPSEA in Grade 6, KMYA in Grade 9, KILEA, and KCBE in Grade 12.

To implement the curriculum the KICD came up with the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) which gives detailed guidelines for the implementation process. The BECF gives the core competencies to be covered at each level, the types of resources required, and the types of assessment tools to be used.

After learning and acquiring skills in different areas the students are assessed to determine their level of competence and that is where the KNEC comes in. The KNEC has developed a Competency-Based Assessment (CBA) framework that guides on how the assessments are done at what stage and the tools to be used.

Types of assessment in the CBA CBC curriculum

The CBC curriculum uses formative and summative types of assessment to evaluate learners.

Formative assessment

This is the type of assessment that is done as the learning continues. It is used to inform on the areas of improvement, the strengths and weaknesses of students. It is integrated into the learning process. For example, when a teacher is in class and gives an assignment in class, homework, group work, etc can be termed as a kind of formative assessment.

At the end of the term or session, the learner can sit for an end-of-term assessment that also is formative.

From Grade 4 KNEC gives school-based assessments which are also formative. The tools are uploaded to the KNEC council CBA portal where teacher download and issue assessments to their learners. The results are uploaded to the portal and are used for final grading which takes 60% of the candidate score.

Summative assessment

These are assessments that are done to conclude a specific level. They evaluate knowledge, skill, value, and attitude after the learning has occurred. Summative assessments in CBC are national examinations that are directly controlled by KNEC. They are done in Grades 6,9 and 12. They are used to assess and direct the different career paths that the learner will take as they progress to high levels.

Difference between CBC assessment and 8-4-4 KCPE and KCSE assessment.

The CBC and 8-4-4 are 2 different education systems where 8-4-4 is more theoretical-based while the CBC is competency-based. In 8-4-4 the learner used to sit for summative assessment at the end of primary and secondary level. All the years of study at each level were assessed once within a few hours which made the examination a do-or-die affair.

However, CBA in the CBC curriculum uses both formative and summative types of assessments. These are done as learners progress from one grade to the next and they accumulate to the final marks. Again the CBA continually tests the learner on skills, and competencies in different areas rather than focusing on the final summative examination.

Types of assessment and exams in the Kenya CBC curriculum

From the different types of assessment, the CBA assessments that are mostly summative and that will replace KCPE and KCSE are as follows.

  1. Kenya Early Years Assessment (KEYA-Grade 3): this is a school-based examination that is not used for ranking but it is still coordinated by KNEC.It is given at Grade 3 for the learners to progress to upper primary.
  2. Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA – Grade 6): At grade 6 learners sit for a national assessment to mark the end of primary school level.
  3. Kenya Middle Years Assessment (KMYA- Grade 9): the assessment marks the end of junior secondary school. It is also used to determine the career path that learners can take. The learners can take social sciences, arts and sports science, or STEM pathways.
  4. Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA): This is the assessment for those learners who are in a stage-based pathway rather than the normal age-based. The assessment prepares the learner at this level for the Pre-vocational level.
  5. Kenya Certificate Of Basic Education (KCBE- Grade 12): this marks the end of senior school and basic education in general. It is used to select those who move to university, and tertiary colleges.

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